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Pregnant Students

Does Title IX apply to Pregnant Students?

Yes, Title IX's prohibition against discrimination on the basis of sex, includes parental, marital, or familial statuses. This means that discrimination on the basis of current pregnancy or past pregnancies are covered.

I am a currently pregnant student and _______________

will miss class

want to participate in activities

feel like i have been treated differently

work on campus

having difficulty with stress

have an underlying medical condition

want more information


will miss class and might exceed the allowed excused absences

Title IX requires schools to excuse absences related to pregnancy and/or a pregnancy-related medical condition as long as it is deemed medically necessary by your physician.  You should speak with your Professor ahead of time to see what documentation needs to be provided.  If you have any questions regarding this, please contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Office of Institutional Equity, 859-622-8020, for more information.

want to participate in activities

Title IX requires that schools allow students to participate in programs or activities, including extracurricular activities, as long as you want. Administrators will not ask for a doctor's note giving permission for you to participate, unless the note is required for other temporary medical conditions or disabilities.  If you feel that you can participate in any activity and you are not allowed to participate, it could be a potential violation of EKU's policies.  If you have any questions, please contact the Title IX Coordinator for more information.

feel like i have been treated differently

EKU prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex or gender, which includes parental, marital, or familial status.  If you feel that you have been discriminated against, please contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Office of Insitutional Equity, (859) 622-8020.

work on campus

EKU will not require any pregnant students to stop working because of their pregnancy.  Administrators should rely on their doctor's judgment when it comes to how long they can continue working.

having difficulty with the stress between school and life

EKU has resources and administrators that can help.  For more information, call the Counseling Center to see what services are available. The Counseling Center is located in Whitlock, Room 517. Phone: (859) 622-1303.

have an underlying medical condition

If you are a student and have an underlying medical condition which has interfered in your educational goals here at EKU, you may be able to receive a reasonable accommodation through EKU's Center for Student Accessibility.

want more information

The Title IX Coordinator released guidance to the faculty-at-large on how they should address the issue of pregnant or expecting students. Additionally, the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) released guidance in the form of a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL). Please select the links below.

EKU Guidance

EKU Pregnancy FAQ

Office for Civil Rights DCL

Department of Education Informational Pamphlet

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